UP NEXT: FEB 22nd: Legacy in Motion: Lines, Steps & Strolls - A celebration of Black communal dances

NBAF NEXTGEN Artist Program High Museum Exhibition
Sunday June 2nd
High Museum of Art
2PM - 4PM

Discover the upcoming generation of emerging artists at the NBAF's NextGen Artist Student Art Opening Reception hosted at the High Museum. Showcasing student artwork from NBAF's Atlanta Public Partner Schools: Maynard Jackson High School, Carver STEAM Academy, and Charles R. Drew Charter School.

The exhibition is on view from May 28th - June 30th, with a special Opening Reception on Sunday, June 2nd, from 2-4 pm. This exhibition and opening reception is complimentary to those attending.

Opening Reception: Sunday, June 2nd from 2 PM – 4 PM
Exhibition on view: May 28 - June 30, 2024

RSVP Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/nextgen-artist-x-high-museum-student-art-exhibition-tickets-897614427917?aff=oddtdtcreator


Admission to the High is complimentary for those attending the Student Exhibition and Opening Reception. Simply inform the front desk staff upon your arrival that you are attending either the exhibition or the Opening Reception (day of the event), and they will provide you with free entry to the museum.

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