UP NEXT: October 19 - NBAF's Fall Fundraiser, Celebration Under The Stars!

Sponsorship Opportunities

NBAF welcomes sponsorship and corporate contributions because all donations, grants and special events sponsorship are a key component of NBAF’s building capacity to maintain operations and provide stellar programs for our diverse audiences.

NBAF offers high visibility sponsorship opportunities with multiple tiers of sponsor benefits that include on-site interactive activations, brand recognition at special events, and inclusion in organizational and event collateral and online promotional outlets.

To discuss event sponsorship and corporate donation opportunities, please email oodeleye@nbaf.org today.


NBAF is a nonprofit organization exempt from income tax under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. NBAF is supported by its members; individual contributors; corporate and foundation support; federal, state and city government grants. TAX ID# 58-1736780.

For more info on Corporate Contributions/Sponsorships, please contact us today.
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