DONATE: This giving season, support NBAF’s year-round arts programming!

Save the date for the Artist Project Fund Award Mixer!

The NBAF 2025 Artist Project Fund (APF) is a $2,000 grant and 6-month artistic development program for Metro Atlanta artists seeking funds to complete an ongoing project.

APF supports 20 professional artists in the completion of an ongoing artistic project, fosters a sense of community and creative collaboration, and provides immersive artistic and career development experiences to help them grow as artists and creative entrepreneurs.


Application Open: Monday, January 13
Application Deadline: Monday, February 24 at 5 PM
Award Notification: Monday, March 7
Grant Awards Distributed: March Awards Mixer

For more info, or to apply:

NBAF is excited to announce the 2024 recipients of our Artist Project Fund (APF) grant at our private APF Awards Mixer on Wednesday, March 20th!

For more information on APF, please visit:

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